Review from Blasted by Britton

January 31, 2025
From: Blasted by Britton
Published: December 24, 2024

Next up from the stack of CD’s Hypnotic Dirge sent me is the lone album that New York’s Inherus has put out thus far. “Beholden” took me a few listens to get into, but when it clicked, it clicked well.

Note: I’m not a fan of almost all Doom. I grew up a lover of Thrash, Punk and Death Metal, so the speedier the better. Even the older Doom Bands I love are speedy themselves, Like Candlemass. I like My Dying Bride, Saturnus and a few more. Not many. As I have aged and especially since I have gotten back into reviewing albums, I noticed myself liking Doom Metal more and even giving good ratings to (Gasp!) some Funeral Doom albums. Tastes change, I guess. And the newer Doom bands inject a lot of unique ideas into their music. Inherus defines themselves as Doom/Post-Metal. To me, they sound like Doom with some Death/Black Metal vocals. More on vocals later! Very rarely fast paced, “Beholden” runs from slow to mid paced in speed and it is almost a mesmerizing style of Metal that relaxes me. What makes them unique are the “post” elements which have a lot of almost acoustic or at least non-distorted breakdowns and some amazing musicianship. “Post” is a sound to me, but it’s hard for me to explain what that sound is. Every member is great at what they do here, but man, the bass really shines through.

The vocals are mostly female and sung in a beautiful clean way. Beth Gladding found a way to sing Doom without putting me to sleep! Lol. There are some male Death/Black Metal vocals here and there and they are well done too. The lyrics are well-written and seem to revolve around lost love and longing.
“Beholden” has a great sound due to a great mixing and mastering job by Mike Uscifer. It’s perfect for this music.

The cover art shows a cloaked woman riding an Elk through a forest. Her hood is on fire. Someone needs to tell her about stop, drop and roll! It’s done in shades of purple and black and is pretty damn cool. Great work, David Paul Seymour! The panels on the inside of the digipak have all of the lyrics, a band photo and album info.

I hope to hear new music from Inherus soon as “Beholden” is an album I should not like but actually love.

Rating: 8.5/10

Review from The Sleeping Shaman

June 22, 2023
From: The Sleeping Shaman
Published: June 19, 2023

Three years ago, during the middle of a pandemic, needing something to occupy my mind beyond confinement with my then five-year-old daughter, I submitted my first review as a reviewer for The Sleeping Shaman. At the time, I had no real awareness of where this new journey would lead me, but as a fan of heavy music for over thirty-something years, I always felt that I had it in me to at least talk a good album. Since then, I have rev...

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Review from

June 22, 2023
Published: June 16, 2023

Σε μια συγγενική ηχητική κατάσταση με μπάντες όπως οι Forlesen και οι Lotus Thief - με τους οποίους εξάλλου μοιράζονται δύο μέλη - οι Inherus παραδίδουν ένα αντίστοιχα πολύχρωμο και πολυστιλιστικό έργο. Το doom είναι μάλλον το κυρίαρχο στυλ εδώ, οι έξι μακροσ...

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Review from Metal Storm

June 22, 2023
From: Metal Storm
Published: June 15, 2023

Across the likes of Lotus Thief, Forlesen and Botanist, Beth Gladding (aka Bezaelith) has demonstrated an inclination towards music that is atmospheric and/or unusual; her latest project Inherus continues this trend.

Gladding joined a project initially formed by Anthony DiBlasi (Witchkiss), Brian Harrigan (Swallow The Ocean) and Andrew Vogt (Lotus Thief, Swallow The Ocean), and the sludgy, doomy natures of Witchkiss and Swallow The Ocean gi...

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Review from

June 22, 2023
Published: June 14, 2023

Metal aus New York? Da dürften die ersten Assoziationen klar sein. BIOHAZARD, du bist gemeint! Das auf „Beholden“ von INHERUS ein anderer Wind weht, dürfte beim Anblick der mythologisch angehauchten Flora und Fauna des Artworks obligatorisch sein.

Mit links kurz angetäuscht, mit rechts locker verwandelt – INHERUS gehen den Weg des langsamsten Widerstands
Mit dem Opener „Forgotten Kingdom“ startet das Debütalbum der New Yorker, mit...

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Review from Grind On The Road

June 13, 2023
From: Grind On The Road
Published: June 11, 2023

Non si può certo dire che in casa Hypnotic Dirge Records abbiano lesinato sul senso di vertigine, fissando l’altezza dell’asticella delle attese nel booklet che ha accompagnato l’arrivo in redazione dell’album di esordio di un quartetto su cui evidentemente la label portoghese/canadese ha deciso di puntare carte importanti, ma, oltre ai doverosi e meritati complimenti per la qualità formale del booklet (tutt’altro che sco...

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Review from Stalker Magazine

June 13, 2023
From: Stalker Magazine
Published: June 9, 2023

Inherus stammt aus Hudson Valley, New York, und wurde im Sommer 2018 von Brian Harrigan und Anthony DiBlasi gegründet. Andrew Vogt stieß kurz darauf dazu und Beth Gladding vervollständigte später nach einer Audition das Line-up. Das Quartett lässt sich von einem breiten Spektrum an musikalischen und kreativen Einflüssen inspirieren und vermischt verschiedene Elemente kreativ miteinander um neue Klänge zu schmieden.

Das 60-min Alb...

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Review from Zwaremetalen

June 13, 2023
From: ZWaremetalen
Published: June 9, 2023

Wat je vaak ziet als een genre overbevolkt raakt, is dat bands gaan zoeken naar elementen van andere genres om deze te integreren in het geluid. In dat opzicht is het niet gek dat je steeds meer bands ziet die post metal met andere genres combineren. Inherus is bijvoorbeeld zo’n band. Het gezelschap maakt een mengeling van doom en post metal. Dat is op zich niet zo vernieuwend en vaker gedaan, maar de band geeft daar ook een zweem van ps...

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Review from Machine Music

June 7, 2023
From: Machine Music
Published: June 3, 2023

If all these bodies, metaphorical or otherwise, piling up in the dank basement of this post then rest assured – angelic, etherial doom is here to save your souls. The music here is obviously wonderful, transitioning from doom to post-metal atmospheres and sometimes prog. So, grade-A shit. But I'm here for Bezaelith's voice, sorry. That's just the way it goes. Like a ray of moonlight in vocal form. What a gift. FFO: Forlesen, Empress, Su...

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Review from Musipedia of Metal

June 6, 2023
From: Musipedia of Metal
Published: June 2, 2023
Original Link

Having a look online at where Inherus sit musically their members have come from various bands such as Witchkiss, Botanist, Swallow The Ocean and Lotus Thief to name but four. It’s labelled as a mix of post-metal and heavy rock that takes in black metal, doom, psyche on its musical journey.

So, when it starts with a roar and a warm guitar sound that bows at the alter of the Lord Tony Iommi it’s not what I expected at all. Forgotte...

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 Released: May 26, 2023
Genre: Doom Metal