Subterranean Disposition interview with Alarm 666 'zine
Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, April 1, 2013 Under: Interviews
Subterranean Disposition interview with Alarm 666 'zine
March 29, 2013
*Google translated version of Danish interview
The fact that Australia is home to much more than kangaroos, aborigines and Cocodile Dundee is of course no doubt but that the world's smallest continent also had a doom scene was certainly not something I immediately had put so much attention to. This fact was, however, earlier this year turned on when Hypnotic Dirge Records sent Subterranean Outline's debut album for review on I was not familiar with the band or the main man behind, Terry Vainoras, who evidently had a time in a number of projects through the years. His debut album, named simply "Subterranean Disposition", is certainly an exciting release, and has since first playing on undertegnets plants found their way a few times since. thought it was appropriate to make contact with the band to give the Danish doom fans a little presentation of and insight into this interesting Australian spots on the metal scene down there down under. Mastermind Terry was fortunately ready for our questions.

Hi Terry, how are you?
"Hello! It's going well. "
Good to hear. Tell us a bit about how the band started?
"It all started really for the reason that I had already written material for the debut album of a previous band I was in, Insomnius Dei, but then it fell apart, I decided instead to give the songs their proper home and name. That was my main mission to begin with. "
What was the musical direction you had in mind?
"The plan was to go through the songs, get them recorded and released. Actually music was inspired by what Mark Kelson had written to one Insomnius Dei album that we did together, "Illusions of Silence", which was elongated travel through different sonic landscapes. I was inspired to put my songwriting into the template and see what would show up. "
Where else did and you get inspiration from?
"Inspirations come from all sorts of places. Books, music, movies, overheard conversations, life stories and the subconscious. "
Terry has since its inception been running Subterranean Disposition as a one-man band, but for some time it has been in the top banner of the band's facebook profile to see a picture of three people out of Terry himself. I ask just a little into how the line-up situation seems at the moment.
What is the line-up at the moment? Who are the people you see on your page? Some permanent members?
"I have gathered some friends to form a live composition, in order to be able to come out and play the album live for people, and it's the guys who appear on the facebook page.
Retch Bile on bass, Christophe Delcourt on drums and Shaun Bryndzia on guitar.Vi play some shows around Australia at the moment, hopefully the same line up also touring abroad. "
Subterranean Disposition published as mentioned debut album not so long ago, and the conversation falls naturally into the release and the circumstances surrounding it.

His debut was thrown on the street a short time ago. Tell about the process - from songwriting to recording sessions?
"Songwriting began in 2008 and, as I recall, it took about a year, after which I decided to do it all as a solo project. I sat for a long time with demos, listened to them from time to time and made appropriate changes. Then, in 2010, I started finally on recording sessions, and took in Toyland Studios a few days here and there spread over the twelve months to complete them. Possibly a long process, but it was necessary and probably most likely also the way I will work around the next album. I think a lot of time and part reflection really works to full when you want the best in the songs. "
It was the recorded back in 2010. Why did it take so long before it was released?
"The delays of the completion of the album to the release of this actually very naturally with how long it took to find the right record label that would release the disc. So we came Hypnotic Dirge Records, a company that thinks ahead, and offers a fine selection of bands in their fold, and I am proud to call 'Subterranean Disposition's home'. "
It is recorded in something called Toyland Studios with a certain Adam Calaitzis as a producer. Why did you choose this particular studio to record the album in?
" I have long worked with Adam and Toyland Studios. It is shown around thirteen years back in time through many of my other previous projects, which are also recorded there. So I trust Adam and his approach to things as a producer. We had a good time together in the studio while we were working on this album, searched for the right tones and experimented with different recording methods. "
Subterranean Disposition "is undoubtedly a doom album, but certainly also a versatile one of its kind that comes much about the genre universe. We experiment with a variety of tools to get the message through to the listener. It would be interesting to know whether it was important to Terry, to create a more varied album.
"To be frank, I never had plans to make doom with saxophone, female vocals or ambient samples! But as the writing process progressed and when you listened through it, I could suddenly find that music on a deep level, just shrieked at no extra charge. It recognized me, and therefore sought for the missing elements. It was important to follow my gut, and have people to work around the ideas that I personally could transfer. I am certainly glad that I did it, when you listen to the result. "
Except for the aforementioned woman vocals and saxophone You now have recorded it all yourself. Was it difficult?
"After having recorded demos at home, I knew the material quite well, and it was easy to do it all over again in the studio, so no, it was not difficult. It was more pure pleasure to track all the instruments and see all the parts build together piece by piece. "
The singer Pheobe Pinnock involved in two of the songs. Tell a little about how she became involved in the project?
"Pheobe is a friend of mine, and she is in Heaven The Axe, a band from Melbourne. I asked if she would sing the female vocals on 'XR This Agony', since the texts protræterer a woman and man's vision of a dysfunctional relationship. Her vocals along with the quiet acoustic part and my over the heavy riffs. I knew her vocals are not the typical Gothic style of doom metal usually has, but thought it might be cool to see how she would interpret it. I thought it was damn good. When she came into the studio, I had just completed a clean vocal passage on the 'Wailing My Keen', and when she heard it, she would immediately create a harmony to it, and the rest is history he he. "
When you have been so involved in an album, and you have worked with it for so long you are usually a fairly close relationship with it. It becomes your baby. Mon Terry has a favorite among the six works on 'Subterranean Disposition'?
What is your favorite song from the album and why?
"I would find it very difficult to have to choose one favorite number! Sometimes I as well have something to one of the numbers and vice versa, but when the day is over, I now always album as a continuous piece from start to finish. This is also the reason why we play the whole album through concerts. It has lots of different sonic landscapes, and I would feel something was missing if any of the songs were not played. "
Now you mention concerts - I've just played your debut show. How did it go?
"Our first show was really a good experience! The guys in the band have all played music and been in bands for a long time, so I trusted them. I was more nervous for myself, and if I should play something wrong. All in all a cannon introduction to our audience in his home town, and something I will never forget. "
Have other concert plans currently? Some tours in connection with the album?
"We have a few other shows here in Australia as part of an album-tour with our friends in Lycanthia that are on the same record label. It will run for a time over in April. In addition we hope to be able to plan some concerts in Europe later this year. So we cross fingers that it can be done! "
It would be cool for Terry and the rest of the team if they could get out and present and promote Subterranean Disposition of European doom fans. Let's hope they might be able to break through some of the festivals.
Besides little tuner, it would be interesting to know what other plans the band has otherwise for the future. According to Terry is already well established in the stove for more, but it will be at their own pace.
The future looks good. Album number two has already been recorded in a demo version, and will hopefully be recorded correctly this year or early next year. But since I have been family man, the activities of both tours and recording become shorter and drawn out over time, but it was also how I started the band, and it works fine for me. As long as I have the ability to do things when I can, I'm happy.
As mentioned earlier doom metal from Australia not something I personally have much knowledge. I therefore ask the same speed into whether there are some other interesting names, we should check out.
"There is really a doom scene in Australia, although it is quite small. Some cool bands you should check out is Lycanthia, Mournful Congregation, Okera and many others. "
Then there are some names that start with if you want to delve into the country's heavy scene. Sorry, we're reaching the end of the road, Terry. You must thank you for the interview, and we hope to see you play here in these latitudes one day. Do you have any last words to alarm666's readers?
"Although thanks for the interview. I have played in many countries, with some of the other bands that I've toured with, but have never been to Denmark. So it's certainly on the list of places to visit! Can hopefully get up there with Subterranean Outlining a day and play some doom for you. For you who love the doom of death, sludge and ambient pieces and experiments Check out us out. Horn! "
In : Interviews
Tags: subterranean disposition australian doom metal death-doom alarm 666 danish denmark experimental saxaphone insomnius dei