Browsing Archive: October, 2015

Review from Aristocrazia Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 12, 2015, In : Italian 
From: Aristocrazia Webzine
Published: October 11, 2015
La città canadese di Regina è la località che dà vita allo split "Of Ash And Dying Light", le band coinvolte provengono infatti dal capoluogo della provincia del Saskatchewan, ma questo non è l'unico elemento che hanno in comune: la presenza di Erik Labossiere — chitarra e voce — e soprattutto la dedizione a sonorità a cavallo tra Black e Doom Metal caratterizzano queste due realtà, seppur in forme leggermente divers...

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Review from Lords of Metal

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 12, 2015, In : English 
From: Lords of Metal
Published: October 1, 2015

This 10” contains two bands from Saskatchewan in Canada. This vinyl disc is limited to 300 copies and contains two songs by both bands. There’s also a digital edition on which there are three more songs. I’ll stick to the 10” though as that is the one that was sent to us. 

On side A we get Nachtterror; a band that mixes black metal with doom and comes across as a mix of Morgion and Dimmu Borgir to my ears. It’s heavy and bomb...

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Songs online: July 10, 2015
Vinyls shipping: August 10, 2015
100 Copies from HDR (300 in total)
Genre: Blacked Doom Metal