Showing Tag: "odradek room bardo relative reality franz kafka tibetan book of the dead consciousness doom metal progressive psychedelic experimental post-rock blackened" (Show all posts)

Review from Les Eternels

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, May 7, 2013, In : Album Reviews 
From: Les Eternels
Published: May 6, 2013
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*Google translation of French review

Grey as proposed by the young Ukrainian music, the atmospheric doom-death tinged moods " post "not breathing itself the joy of living. In itself, this is absolutely not a problem, because in this genre a significant number of first-rate works were created on full gray background. No, the problem is that Bardo. Relative Reality.  's not very inspired, simply. Except for the fact qu'Odradek Room is expresse...

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Review from

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, May 7, 2013, In : Album Reviews 
Published: May 1, 2013
Original Link

Their name is from a Kafka short story, they are from Ukraine. That could be a recipe for success or one for disaster, chance is probably equal for both especially considering that they do have vocals in russian and albums having that are usually rather poor. Still, they do have a psychedelic looking cover artwork that could hint towards something challenging for the listener. The story is said to be contrived in part from the Tibetan book o...

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Released: March 9, 2013
500 Copies (250 digipack, 250 jewel case)
Atmospheric Death-doom Metal