Showing Tag: "odradek room atmospheric progressive psychedelic black doom death-doom metal ukrainian melancholic music" (Show all posts)

Review from Metalzone Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Friday, March 29, 2013, In : Album Reviews 
From: Metalzone Webzine
Published: March 28, 2013
Original Link
*Google translation of Italian review

Kafka must have affected not just the trio of Ukraine in question as Odradek Room is the name of a story by the brilliant writer. However these three shady characters unexpectedly come from the East offering something that without a doubt I can recommend to lovers of the French project Alcest, type of music that is having serious repercussions throughout the duration of this "Bardo. Relative Real...

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Released: March 9, 2013
500 Copies (250 digipack, 250 jewel case)
Atmospheric Death-doom Metal