Showing Tag: " swedish black metal" (Show all posts)

Review from Friedhof Magazine

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, August 1, 2017, In : Spanish 
From: Friedhof Magazine
Published: July 27, 2017

“Slaves of the Vast Machine”, la canción, comienza como un tsunami sonoro un “Slaves of the Vast Machine”, el disco, en lo que supone una única pieza de descarnado Black Metal en la onda de los primeros lanzamientos de Dark Funeral, Burzum o Mayhem, donde se juega con varios riffs para ir manteniéndonos atrapados durante sus tres cuartos de hora.

¿Tres cuartos de hora? Eso es. ¿Un solo tema? Has leído bien. ¿Y te lo has...

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Review from Metal-Temple

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, July 15, 2017, In : English 
From: Metal - Temple
Published: July 14, 2017 

There are times when a band’s musical work is really amazing, but the format they use to express their musicality is truly a great and hard trial for a deeper understanding. One of those strange things that can astonish the fans is the strategy inherited by many Metal genres from Progressive Rock from the 70s: the ability to fill one entire album with only one song. Are you astonished with this? So let the Swedish duet OBITUS lead yo...

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Review from Black Metal Spirit

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, July 8, 2017, In : Spanish 
From: Black Metal Spirit
Published: July 6, 2017

Seguramente estamos ante uno de los lanzamientos del año en el cual nos encontramos y que el poso que deja un álbum como este se extiende en el tiempo. Lejos de modas y tendencias en los que cuales se les ha venido encasillando, si post-black por un lado o black progresivo por otro, lo que logran traernos aquí es un tema que es fiel a la tradición sueca del black metal, si cabe con ciertas influencias industriales que asoman al f...

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Review from Soil Chroniques

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, June 24, 2017, In : French 
From: Soil Chroniques
Published: June 1, 2017

Deux types qui se répartissent les tâches des instruments et de la voix, cela me rappelle un autre duo : Anaal Nathrakh. La comparaison va s’arrêter là pour Obitus, leur « Slaves of the vast Machine » étant bien plus intéressant que les dernières sorties des Anglais.
Un seul titre, éponyme, de quarante-cinq minutes, c’est ambitieux. Mais dans un exercice tel que celui-là, l’ambition n’est pas le problème, ni même la ...

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Review from ZWareMetalen

Posted by Nick Skog on Friday, June 2, 2017, In : Dutch 
From: ZWareMetalen
Published: June 2, 2017

Oké, tijd om nog eens een plaatje te reviewen die mijn jaarlijst absoluut zal halen. Samen met het Zweedse Waning raad ik sinds jaar en dag dit Obitus aan. Obitus maakt industriële black metal – die volgens mij (en anderen) ergens tussen Aborym en Anaal Nathrakh geplaatst moest worden – en doet dat met zeer veel verve. Deze nieuwe plaat bestaat uit één enkel nummer, dat dik drie kwartier lang duurt.

Ook Slaves of the Vast Machine is...

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Review from Aristocrazia Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, May 15, 2017, In : English 
From: Aristocrazia Webzine
Published: May 14, 2017

*Italian version of review can be found here

Another challenge came, another challenge accepted. After going through sleepless nights to tell you about Arkhaeon's "Beyond", here I am, dealing with another single track release. This record comes from the mind of the Swedish black metal band Obitus, a duo composed of Anders Ahlbäck (all instruments) and Johan Huldtgren (vocals), who were helped for the occasion by Fredrik H...

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Review from Heathen Harvest

Posted by Nick Skog on Friday, May 12, 2017, In : English 
From: Heathen Harvest
Published: May 3, 2017

Special respect is due to bands who manage to strike a firm balance of the traditional and adventurous sides of black metal. Although recent years have seen a mutual understanding and appreciation between these two ‘schools’, it is less rare to hear a band that goes balls-out with avant-garde technique than to hear one who dares tempt extremity via more restrained means. With Slaves of the Vast Machine, I’m reminded of the straight...

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Review from Lords of Metal

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, May 2, 2017, In : English 
From: Lords of Metal
Published: May 1, 2017

The Swedes of Obitus return with their second album full of hatred and spite. ‘Slaves Of The Vast Machine’ is a prime example of industrial black metal done right. Containing only one massive 45 minute song, Obitus hasn’t made it easy for themselves. Luckily, Obitus know a thing or two about song-writing. ‘Slaves Of The Vast Machine’ is a violent journey through hatred, nihilism, totalitarian regimes and dystopian societies. Rel...

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Review from Noizz Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, April 13, 2017, In : Spanish 
From: Noizz Webzine
Published: April 13, 2017

La historia de la banda que nos ocupa se remonta al año 2000, cuando un par de suecos unen sus fuerzas para crear OBITUS, sacando al poco tiempo una primera demo y un split compartido con KULT OV AZAZEL, HUMANICIDE y THY LORD, dos precedentes de lo que sería el primer larga duración del grupo “Sonnilon”, que no llegó a publicarse oficialmente. Con el paso de los años el grupo fue evolucionando, y también su sonido, por lo que ...

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Review from Nightfall in Metal Earth

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, April 12, 2017, In : French 
From: Nightfall in Metal Earth
Published: April 12, 2017

Le concept d'album à un morceau commence vraiment à sentir le roussi. Il est si vétuste et ennuyant que je trouve anecdotique et emmerdant que les artistes songent même à envisager la possibilité d'en réaliser un. Pourquoi ? Parce que c'est épuisant et que rares sont les groupes comme MOONSORROW, et plus récemment INSOMNIUM, qui ont réussi l'exercice avec brio en divisant clairement leur pavé en tranches digestes. ...

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Review from Ave Noctum

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, April 12, 2017, In : English 
From: Ave Noctum Webzine
Published: April 12, 2017

In formative years all we heard was radio gaga, short songs designed for unchallenging airplay. Of course there was classical music and opera which lasted for several centuries but that was for fossils not for young kids with whole lives ahead of them. Naturally as years piled up exposure to other types of music led to an increase in compositional length, we had prog rock and the dinosaurs that played that could really plod on. Doo...

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Review from Infernal Masquerade

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, April 8, 2017, In : English 

From: Infernal Masquerade
Published: April 3, 2017 
As a true testament of intensity and brutality, today we Obitus’s latest full-length “Slaves of the Vast Machine”. Comprised of one 45-minute behemoth of a track, this release showcases a master class in crafting intricate Black Metal music that is both engaging and ravaging. While most people would expect this piece to be filled with interludes and atmospheric passages, we are treated to quite the opposite as it is intense ...

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Review from Echoes and Dust

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, March 18, 2017, In : English 
From: Echoes and Dust
Published: March 18, 2017

Obitus have stared down the barrel of dystopian torment for years, feeding omens of oppression to the already oppressed masses. The Swedish post-black metal act revel in the mire of a ruined nation as much as they wallow and have an uncanny way of painting a bleak picture of totalitarian hopelessness… boot plus face plus forever comes to mind. If the future looks like this then get your stomping shoes on… I’m in!

Cold and calcula...

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Review from Wonderbox Metal

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, March 9, 2017, In : English 
From: Wonderbox music
Published: March 6, 2017 

Obitus are a Swedish black metal band and this is their second album.

Playing harsh black metal, Slaves of the Vast Machine consists of one long 45 minute track.

The band’s music is made up of progressive, dissonant and post-black metal, resulting in music that’s chaotic, relentless and brimming with icy hatred. This is the sound of Slaves of the Vast Machine.

There’s an apocalyptic intensity to this, one that would be hard to sust...

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Review from Transcending Obscurity Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, In : English 
From: Transcending Obscurity Webzine
Published: February 26, 2017

Obitus has made it pretty clear what you can expect from their latest album, ‘Slaves of the Vast Machine’: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.” Capturing an outlook as dour as that and putting it to music may seem like a tall order, but that’s just what Obitus achieves on this 2017 release from Hypnotic Dirge Records.

You’ll find no beauty here. There ...

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Review from The Metal Observer

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, In : English 
From: The Metal Observer
Published: February 25, 2017

Like the indoctrinating repetition of hypnopaedia or the self-fulfilling prophecies of unchecked Nietzschean philosophy, black metal can, in its own distinct way, hammer home its ideologies through sheer force. The beauty behind such a method is simple, really, and can be conveyed any number of ways but most often is distilled into succinct yet powerful memes: “The object of power is power,” “God is dead,” or “A love o...

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Review from Gorger's Metal

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, In : English 
From: Gorger's Metal
Published: February 23, 2017

Obitus is a duo from Gothenburg, and Slaves of the Vast Machine is their second full length album.
Anders and Johan started the band in 2000, but after a demo and contributions to a split, other projects took up most of their time. Material intended for a debut was largely shelved or downright discarded as the band felt they had evolved and grown away from it. Three songs intended for the never completed album with the working title ...

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Review from

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, February 22, 2017, In : Italian 
From: True
Published: February 21, 2017

Gli Obitus sono un duo svedese attivo dall’ormai lontano 2000 e suonante un black metal piuttosto incazzato. Ci occupiamo oggi del loro secondo, ottimo album che porta il nome di Slaves Of The Vast Machine. La prima cosa di cui parlare è la particolare scelta di offrire il platter sotto forma di un’unica traccia, e gli svedesi in questa direzione sono recidivi; potrebbe quindi risultare poco “vendibile” ma, in tempi frenetic...

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 Released: February 16, 2017
500 Copies (250 through HDR)
Genre: Dystopian / Misanthropic
Black Metal