We have new titles from Avantgarde Music available in our shop!
AV325 A Pale December - The Shrine of Primal Fire
AV361 Suicide Forest
AV362 Violet Cold - kOsmik
AV363 Nyss - Depayser
AV365 Aeon Winds - Stormveiled
AV366 Psicosfera - Beta
AV370 Funeral Oration - Elipha’s Love
AV371 The Ember, The Ash - consciousness torn from the void
AV375 Ison - Inner Space
AV379 Dzo-Nga - Thunder in the Mountains
AV380 sivyj yar - rope
AV382 Vastigr - Aura Aeternitatis
We're in the midst of restructuring our shop as there is no longer enough time to dedicate to a full-fledged distro.
Going forward, we're going to focus on distributing releases from select labels, mostly outside North America as it makes no sense to distribute for a label on the same continent.
Updates will be much more frequent over the coming weeks with more new additions to be added to the shop soon!
A huge chunk of our distro catalog will also be on sale very soon so we can clear some space, downsize our scope, and focus on select distribution.