Hypnotic Dirge Updates and News

Webshop Update : June 2016

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, June 6, 2016 Under: Webshop Additions
Webshop Update - June 2016
- 12 new albums
June update is a few days late, so apologies for that. Never-the-less, there is a ton of great new music available and some real gems in this bundle! 

Latest additions
-All albums listed below are in this section

HDR - D - 860 : Inglorious - Eternal Chaos 
HDR - D - 861 : A. H. P. - Against Human Plague
HDR - D - 862 : Solacide - The Finish Line
HDR - D - 863 : A.V.D.L. - Scourge
HDR - D - 864 : Humm - Sanctuary
HDR - D - 865 : Heretique - De non existentia Dei
HDR - D - 866 : Gallileous - Voodoom Protonauts
HDR - D - 867 : Heiden - Na svůj příběh jsme sami
HDR - D - 868 : Somnus Aeternus - Exulansis

SP -115 : Quercus - Heart With Bread
BMM - 076 : The Morningside - Yellow
BMM - 077 : (Echo) - Head First Into Shadows

In : Webshop Additions 

Tags: hypnotic dirge records  hypnotic dirge webshop  canadian black metal shop  canadian doom metal shop  the morningside 

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