Hypnotic Dirge Updates and News

New Solitude Productions album, Tenochtitlan – Sotvorenie Mira now available to order!

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted July 26, 2012


 Another addition from Solitude Productions has been added to the SP RELEASES section of the website. The new addition is the latest album from the Russian band Tenochtitlan, which is named after the capital of the ancient Aztec empire. For more information, or to order the album, click HERE


ALBUM RELEASE: Epitimia - Faces of Insanity

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted July 14, 2012

Epitimia's new album 'Faces of Insanity' is now available!

The latest album from the three piece atmospheric black metal/post-rock band from Epitimia is now officially released and available to order from their label Hypnotic Dirge Records. In addition to the CD version which is available for the label's website, the full album, entitled Faces of Insanity has also been made available for free streaming in its entirety at Hypnotic Dirge's bandcamp page where yo...
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Epitimia and Silent Path albums now available to pre-order, download, or stream!!

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted July 4, 2012
Hypnotic Dirge's newest releases, EPITIMIA -  FACES OF INSANITY, and SILENT PATH - MOURNER PORTRAITS are now both available to pre-order. If you pre-order one (or both) of these releases, you will also receive a digital version of the album (in your choice of .wav or Mp3 format, and complete with album art) to listen to until the CD arrives in the mail. Digital downloads of both new releases are also available from HDR's BANDCAMP page for $5.00 each and both al...

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6 new albums from Solitude Productions and its side labels available now!

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted July 2, 2012

I intended to have this Solitude Productions update online a while ago now, but I've been procrastinating lately, and been a little bit behind on updates. Regardless though, the new albums from Solitude are worth the wait as usual. Check out these new releases from Graveflower, Wedding in Hades and others.

SP - 059 : Graveflower - Returning to the Primary Source ORDER
SP - 060 : Abske Fides - Abske Fides ORDER
SP - 061 : Embrace the Silence - Leaving the Place for...

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Distro Update: 32 New Titles

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted June 28, 2012
Distro Update: 32 New Distribution albums available to order!

Hypnotic Dirge's distribution section has been updated with 32 new titles added to the webstore from crushing, melancholic funeral doom from the likes of Colosseum, and Lethian Dreams alongside plenty of new ambient and atmospheric music, melodic doom metal, post-rock, and black metal. A shipment from Darknagar Records from Russia also arrived with the latest Inner Missing album, as well as more copi...

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Galaktik Cancer Squad signs with Hypnotic Dirge Records

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted June 6, 2012

The ambitious one-man project from Germany, GALAKTIK CANCER SQUAD has signed a deal with Hypnotic Dirge Records. Galaktik Cancer Squad is known for its unconventional approach in mixing the ferocity of extreme black metal with an avant-garde experimental quality of technical songwriting and a space-like atmosphere. The music of Galaktik Cancer Squad also stands apart for its extremely sparse use of vocals, making the tracks almost completely instrumental compo...

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Epitimia releases new track 'Epikrisis VI: Leucotomy' from upcoming Faces of Insanity album

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted May 5, 2012

The track 'Epikrisis VI: Leucotomy' from the upcoming Epitimia album 'Faces of Insanity' has now been made available for streaming and free download. This is the third and final track to made available from the upcoming 'Faces of Insanity' album which is Epitimia's third full-length and first release on the Canadian label 'Hypnotic Dirge Records' also known for acts such as netra, Ekove Efrits, stroszek, Subterranean Disposition, and The Foetal Mind. The 'Faces ...

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Hypnotic Dirge Interview with Pest Webzine - Merchants of Death [May 2, 2012]

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted May 2, 2012

I recently answered a few questions for Pest Webzine's 'Merchants of Death' feature, which is a regular feature that they have for underground record labels. 
Original Link

Please present your label, when and where was it started, who is involved in its activities and what genres are promoted by it.
Hypnotic Dirge Records is a project which I began in late 2008. We aim to release innovative and experimental music within the black metal, doom metal, and post-rock ...

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Distro update: 12 new titles

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted April 28, 2012
12 new albums have been added to the HDR Distribution shop:

HDR - D - 327 : Nocturnal Depression - Nostalgia - Fragments of a Broken Past
HDR - D - 328 : Nocturnal Depression - Suicidal Thoughts
HDR - D - 329 : Beyond Light - eclipsed sun path
HDR - D - 330 : Anniversary Circle - Saturated Feathers
HDR - D - 331 : Hypomanie - A city in mono
HDR - D - 332 : Agalloch Pale Folklore
HDR - D - 333 : Grisatre - Esthaetique
HDR - D - 334 : Lotus Circle - Caves
HDR - D - 335 ...

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netra releases new track 'wish she could vanish' from the upcoming Sørbyen album

November 8, 2012
*Originally posted April 19, 2012


The song 'wish she could vanish' from the upcoming netra album to be entitled 'Sørbyen' has now been made available for streaming and free download. This is the first track to made available from the upcoming album Sørbyen which will see a release on the canadian label 'Hypnotic Dirge Records' in the summer of 2012, the same label which released netra's debut album 'Mélancolie Urbaine' in late 2010. 

At first, there was nothing but these memories of a col...
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