Distribution Update: 33 New Titles added!
January 28, 2013A new selection of distro titles have been added to the shop including some essential stuff courtesy of Bindrune Productions who have released some truly amazing albums over the past few years including Nechochwen, Obsequiae, Blood of the Black Owl, and Falls of Rauros, some new chinese neo-folk and black metal from Pest Productions, some solid doom releases from Firebox/Firedoom, AstorVoltaires' latest album, new stuff from Munruthel (ex-Nokturnal Mortum), Pestilential Shadows, and Hypomanie among others. Truly, I think this is one of the best new selection of titles added to the webshop in quite some time. Here's the full list:
HDR - D - 421 : Blood of the Black Owl - A Feral Spirit
HDR - D - 422 : Blood of the Black Owl - A Banishing Spirit
HDR - D - 423 : Blood of the Black Owl - Light the Fires!
HDR - D - 424 : Cold Northern Vengeance - Domination and Servitude
HDR - D - 425 : Celestiial - Where Life Springs Eternal
HDR - D - 426 : Nechochwen - Azimuths to the otherworld
HDR - D - 427 : Obsequiae - Suspended in the brume of eos
HDR - D - 428 : Forest of the Soul - Restless in Flight
HDR - D - 429 : Falls of Rauros - The Light that dwells in rotten wood
HDR - D - 430 : Pestilential Shadows - Depths
HDR - D - 431 : Crowned - Vacuous Spectral Silence
HDR - D - 432 : Hypomanie - Calm down, you weren't set on fire
HDR - D - 433 : Vowels - Hooves, Leaves, and the death
HDR - D - 434 : Vergissmeinnicht - His own strange songs
HDR - D - 435 : Silence of the Old Man - Carencia De Ausencia
HDR - D - 436 : Edieh - Spring Songs
HDR - D - 437 : Misere Nobis - Fade away gradually, my hope
HDR - D - 438 : Ablaze in Hatred - The Quietude Plains
HDR - D - 439 : Depressed Mode - ...for death
HDR - D - 440 : Helengard - selftitled
HDR - D - 441 : Havchej - Dethrone the son of god
HDR - D - 442 : Sangui Imperem - In glory we march towards our doom
HDR - D - 443 : Hellvetron - Death Scrolls of Seven Hells and Its Infernal Majesties
HDR - D - 444 : Imber Luminis - Life as Burden
HDR - D - 445 : Turdus Merula - Mentem Recipere
HDR - D - 446 : Hipoxia - selftitled
HDR - D - 447 : evilhorse - cabeza de vaca
HDR - D - 448 : Turdus Merula - Herbarium
HDR - D - 449 : Gottesmorder - selftitled
HDR - D - 450 : Lethargy of Death - Necrology
HDR - D - 451 : Tyrael - Der Wald ist Mein Zuhause
HDR - D - 452 : Munruthel - CREEDamage
HDR - D - 453 : AstorVoltaires - blacktombsfordeadsongs
As always, you can see more details about any of these albums by going to the DISTRIBUTION SHOP, order directly through the website, or send an email if you have an order larger than 3 CD's.
Also, I am currently trying to get rid of some older stock to clear some room for the always arriving influx of new CD's either of upcoming HDR releases, Solitude Prod. releases, or distro albums. At this time, all remaining distro titles from 001 - 128 (which begins about halfway through the page and is listed without their own pages) are on sale for $7.00 each in North America, and $8.00 in the rest of the world. This price includes shipping and is the cheapest I can go, because for example if you order 6 CD's from outside North America, it will cost you $48 to order, and shipping that will cost me $35. Just trying to clear out some old stock to make room for new stuff!
Send your list/questions to: hypnoticdirgerecords@hotmail.com
Posted by Nick Skog. Posted In : Webshop Additions