Hypnotic Dirge Records will once again be present for the second annual Metal Wizard Open Air Festival on Saturday July 12, 2014. We will have a merch stand set up with a fine selection of CD's and shirts from our own releases and from the distro including a box of 50 dedicated to Black Metal, a box of 50 dedicated to Doom Metal, and 50 of our specific recommendations!
This year, all CD's will be $5.00 and all shirts will be $10.00, a very special low price for Metal Wizard only!
You can also browse through our webshop anytime before July 12 and send an "order list" to hypnoticdirgerecords@hotmail.com with the subject line "Metal Wizard" and we can bring out the exact CD's you want. Any CD's picked up during Metal Wizard will be $5.00 only! Over 700 titles to choose from, so have a look if you're interested.
Altogether, we're really excited for this day to arrive. Last year's show was great and I suspect this year will be even greater with the planning that seems to have occured, a really interesting festival lineup, and the awesome atmosphere that events like these bring. If you are from the area, make sure you come out to this!
After the event, we'll surely upload photos and maybe give a bit of a recap.
Saturday July 12th, 12 bands will lay waste to Saskatchewan on Valhalla Acres, just outside of Saskatoon. Saskatchewan's one and only outdoor Metal festival, Metal Wizard is proud to bring you some of Western Canada's very best heavy acts, as well as a fine selection of the Metal that Saskatchewan has to offer."