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Review from Infernal Masquerade Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, September 8, 2012, In : Album reviews 
From: Infernal Masquerade Webzine 
Published: May 28, 2012 
Original Link

Delivering one of the weirdest, yet most exciting releases of 2012, today we have Netra and its (one man band) second full-length release “Sørbyen”. Mixing elements of Black Metal with some Trip-hop influences, we are immediately reminded of a mixture of older and newer Ulver, without totally breaking character and changing identity. Each track in this release sways you one way, but it suddenly changes direction into ...

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                       NETRA - SØRBYEN 

Released: September 29, 2012
1000 Copies
Alternative Black Metal/Trip-hop