Review from Din Intunerec

February 26, 2018
From: Din intunerec
Published: February 22, 2018

netra is a one-man project from France that combines Depressive Black Metal with Trip-Hop and various other musical elements.
Formed in 2003 by multi-instrumentalist Steven Le Moan, netra released its first album “Mélancolie Urbaine” in 2010 via Hypnotic Dirge Records. After relocating in the city of Gjøvik, Norway, he released his second record “Sørbyen”. In 2013 Steven Le Moan collaborated with Californian Rap duo We’re Wolves, creating an interesting hybrid between Black Metal and Hip-Hop. After moving to Auckland, New Zealand, netra unveiled its newest album entitled “Ingrats” (ungrateful in French).
This record is an astonishing soundtrack of several different musical genres, perfect for an urban late-night walk. Covering a grey, oppressive and tormenting urban image, netra managed to create an odd mind-blowing mixture between Depressive Black Metal and Trip-Hop. I personally think that this is the first band to achieve the impossible, namely, combining in a very successful manner two different styles. This so called “Urban Black Metal” reminds me here and there of Lifelover and the legendary German Ambient/Jazz group Bohren & der Club of Gore.

The record begins with a Jazzy intro “Gimme a Break”, throwing afterwards the listener in a harsh Black Metal mood with “Everything’s Fine”. The alternation between heavy blast beats, tremolo guitars, piano fragments and harsh/clean vocals create an anxious atmosphere. “Underneath My Words the Ruins of Yours” brings a much more atmospheric climate, alternating Post Rock elements with electronic music and reaching the high peak of the album with track “Live with It”, a pleasant combination of clean vocals with acoustic guitars and electronic music. Having a short instrumental intermezzo (“Infinite Boredom”) the record continues with the excellent saxophone sorrowful track “Don’t Keep Me Waiting”. Sick growls with Atmospheric Black Metal, electronic elements and Trip-Hop are to be found on “A Genuinely Benevolent Man”. The dark walk through the urban jungle continues with “Paris or Me” and “Could’ve, Should’ve, Would’ve” ending with a superb Jazz track “Jusqu’au-boutiste”.
As I said before, netra combines the best of Atmospheric/Depressive Black Metal with Trip Hop and Jazz, packing everything under the anxious and depressing image of a decadent and miserable urban life. Who knows…..maybe Steven Le Moan will release another “sick” masterpiece of hate and despair once he will move to another major city.

After listening to this album multiple times I’ve come to a very strange conclusion. Cities can have after all a major roll when it comes to inspiration. So, apparently, Black Metal isn’t only about forests and coldness and has multiple other mysterious paths…….but never disappointing.

Reviewed by: Bordan Ciuca
Rating: 9.3/10


Review by Metal Storm

January 8, 2018
From: Metal Storm
Published: January 5, 2018

New Year's Eve. A gathering with family and friends. New resolutions and hopes for tomorrow. The beautiful lights and playful party music. Reality kicks in in the form of a hangover. Maybe you're alone or you feel like your dreams will eventually succumb to your fears. Wait, no, no. You're fine. Everything is fine… Ah, fuck it.

How hard can it be to get some peace of mind? 
How bad do you want to leave this life behind?

The harrowing scre...

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Review from Tasty Black Metal Abominations

June 24, 2017
From: Tasty Black Metal Abominations
Published: May 17, 2017

Oh my gosh, the grandmaster of trip hop black metal is back! From all strange black metal fusions I've heard, this project is by far the best. The all-rounder Steven Le Moan has a vision and the aptitude to effectuate it. The result is a gorgeous combination of many different styles. As a preliminary point I have to declare that you should be compatible with electronic music, otherwise you don't take delight in "Ingrats"....

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Review from Metal Soliloquy

June 9, 2017
From: Metal Soliloquy
Published: June 9, 2017

A few days ago I stumbled across a record label called Hypnotic Dirge Records on Bandcamp. It is a label focusing on underground experimental/atmospheric Doom and Black Metal bands. All the albums on the label are available for free download on Bandcamp (an opportunity which I used to full capacity).

One of the most interesting artists on the label is French Avantgarde Metal band/one man project netra. His music is unlike anything I’ve...

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Review from Metallifer Blog

May 27, 2017
From: Metallifer Blog
Published: May 22, 2017 

Après quatre ans de silence, Netra revient sur le devant de la scène avec son nouvel album Ingrats, sorti encore une fois (puisque on ne change pas une équipe qui gagne) via Hypnotic Dirge Records. Juste pour rappel, Netra est à la fois le nom de l’artiste et du groupe. Netra est une one-man-band fondée en 2003 par Netra qui en réalité est Steven Le Moan. Steven a beaucoup voyagé entre Quimper, Gjøvik (Norvège), l’Allemag...

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Review from Lords of Metal

May 2, 2017
From: Lords of Metal
Published: May 1, 2017

Netra returns and delivers us a third album to ponder about. On ‘Ingrats’ we see Netra further developing its niche. And I mean niche in the strictest way possible. Netra specialises in combining black metal with triphop, jazz, industrial, ambient and whatever pops up in the creators mind. Netra does have the capacities to execute this in a way that the songs feels natural. Not just a mere compilation of genres. ‘Ingrats’ feels mo...

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Review from Aristocrazia Webzine

May 2, 2017
From: Aristocrazia Webzine
Published: May 1, 2017
Original Link

*Italian version of the review can be found here

I've lately found myself thinking about what could possibly be doing our dear Netra: since his last "Sørbyen" stroke me quite hard, I've been curious about how the project would have evolved. At last, after a five years long silence, "Ingrats" finally brings answers to my questions.

Let's start by saying that the «mélancolie urbaine» typical of the project's music is more than ever ...

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Review from Noizz Webzine

April 25, 2017
From: Noizz Webzine
Published: April 24, 2017

Los primeros pasos de este proyecto musical llamado NETRA fueron dados por las calles de Kemper (Francia) allá por el año 2003, publicando por aquella época un par de demos, hasta que el sello canadiense Hypnotic Dirge Records tomó cartas en el asuntó y sacó a la luz el álbum debut “Mélancolie Urbaine” en 2010. Un trabajo que tomaba su inspiración de los paisajes urbanos mostrando su lado más oscuro y decadente en una comb...

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Review from The Pit of the Damned

April 12, 2017
From: The Pit of the Damned
Published: April 10, 2017

Netra potrebbe essere il nome di un locale in cui trovare parecchie sale dove assaporare aromi esotici ed ascoltare musiche diverse. In "Gimme a Break" potrete immaginare ad esempio, di trovarvi nella lounge room del locale, con un tizio che suona il pianoforte ed un altro che abbraccia il contrabbasso, in una scena sicuramente tinta di bianco e nero. In quella sala, chi è più attento, potrà scorgere nascosta una scala che po...

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Review from Infernal Masquerade

April 8, 2017
From: Infernal Masquerade
Published: April 3, 2017 
One-man outfit Netra returns after five years to unleash the very unique “Ingrats”. Mixing Industrial/Trip-hop/jazzy elements with Black Metal, this release delivers nearly 40 minutes of exciting Avant-garde music. As with the previous Netra releases, this one will keep you at the edge of your seat always wondering what kind of surprises the songs have in store for the listener.

Opening with the mysteriously jazzy “Gimme a Br...

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 Released: March 9 2017
500 Copies
Genre: Black Metal / Electronic