Showing Tag: ""marche funebre" "marche funèbre" "marche funèbre einderlicht" "marche funebre einderlicht" "einderlicht" "doom metal" "death doom metal" "death doom"" (Show all posts)

Review from Aristocrazia Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, In : Italian 
From: Aristocrazia Webzine
Published: November 30, 2020

Uscito per BadMoodMan Music e Hypnotic Dirge sul finire dello scorso settembre, Einderlicht (letteralmente: la luce alla/della fine) è il più giovane figlio dei Marche Funèbre, cinque musicisti di Anversa tutt’altro che novizi del sottobosco estremo. Formatosi nel 2008 e dopo aver reclutato Boris Iolis (Ah Ciliz, L’Hiver En Deuil, Soul Dissolution) come bassista nel 2013, il quintetto aveva già dato alle stampe tre alb...

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Review from Third Eye Cinema

Posted by Nick Skog on Sunday, November 15, 2020, In : English 
From: Third Eye Cinema
Published: November 13, 2020

Marche Funèbre – Einderlicht (Hypnotic Dirge Records) (September 25)

Empyrium‘s Markus Stock produces this gloomy gothic doom/death act out of Belgium.

With Stock at the helm, you know it’s going to sound impeccable…well, at least on the cleaner toned bits, of which there are many. I guess he’s unused to distorted tones nowadays, given how little they’re emphasized in his own band and those he produces like Alcest, whic...

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Review from Greek Rebels

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, November 2, 2020, In : Greek 
From: Greek Rebels
Published: October 31, 2020

Οι αγαπημένοι (μου) Marche Funèbre επιστρέφουν εντυπωσιακά και αυτή τη φορά, με την κυκλοφορία του τέταρτου ολοκληρωμένου δίσκου τους, “Einderlicht”. Το συγκρότημα δημιουργήθηκε το 2008 επί βελγικού εδάφους και από τότε σκορπίζει το death/doom σκοτάδι του μ...

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Review from Ave Noctum

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, November 2, 2020, In : English 
From: Ave Noctum
Published: October 29, 2020

This is the fourth album by this Belgian quintet, whose name seems awfully familiar, but for some reason they are new to me. Formed 12 years ago, they released their first album in 2011 with the last one released in 2017. The material in this album was written between 2016 and 2019 and the title track is their first with lyrics written in Dutch. The current line-up has recorded their last three albums together, so they are a pretty tight...

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Review from Metal Heads Forever Magazine

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, November 2, 2020, In : English 
From: Metal Heads Forever Magazine
Published: October 28, 2020

Marche Funèbre are a band which have demonstrated, particularly over their last two albums that they are capable of writing world class death-doom. This year has the Belgians returning to finally follow up ‘Into the Arms of Darkness’ their excellent 2017 album with their long awaited fourth album ‘Einderlicht’.

This has been an album which has been a slow process, but one worth the time and effort as what Marche...

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Review from Rock Portaal

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 26, 2020, In : Dutch 
From: Rock Portaal
Published: October 22, 2020

Never change a winning team en daarom werkte zowat exact hetzelfde team van de vorige albums van de Belgische doommetalband Marche Funèbre opnieuw mee aan het nieuwe Einderlicht. Zelfde bandbezetting, zelfde labels, zelfde producer en zelfs dezelfde verantwoordelijke voor het artwork. Krijgen we op Einderlicht dan gewoon een doorslagje van het vorige album? Dat niet. De band laat zijn sound wat evolueren, wat volwassener, wat meer uit...

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Review from Metal Storm

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 26, 2020, In : English 
From: Metal Storm
Published: October 15, 2020

He's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! He's expired and gone to meet his maker! He's a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed him to the perch he'd be pushing up the daisies! His metabolic processes are now history! He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!

Now, why did I st...

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Review from Musika

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 26, 2020, In : Dutch 
From: Musika
Published: October 15, 2020
Original Link

Het Mechelse Marche Funèbre is één van de grote namen in de Belgische doomscene. En eerlijk gezegd begrijp ik nog steeds niet goed waarom. Zeker, het is niet slecht en bij momenten zelfs echt goed te noemen, maar zelfs op dit vierde full album blijft het een beetje knullig klinken, als een tienerbandje dat experimenteert met brugjes om twee echoënde doom noten aan elkaar te lijmen maar niet goed weet hoe en het daarom maar heel basaal ho...

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Review from Seigneurs du Metal

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 26, 2020, In : French 
From: Seigneurs du Metal
Published: October 8, 2020

Einderlicht est le quatrième album de Marche Funèbre, quintet belge actif depuis 2008 et classé dans la catégorie eclectic doom death / black metal. Avec une telle étiquette, difficile de dire à quoi s’attendre de ces 6 titres pour presque une heure d’écoute. Toutefois le thème de l’album est « l’étrange capacité de l’humanité à consciemment commettre un suicide collectif », une bonne écoute automnale donc...

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Review from Brutalism

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 26, 2020, In : English 
From: Hard Sounds
Published: October 6, 2020

Marche Funèbre always seem to be evolving with every album they crank out. Still rooted firmly in the death/doom territory on their fourth full length album, this Belgium based group step away from the dark, harsh atmosphere heard on their previous album “Into The Arms Of Darkness” and go more for the gothic doom route on “Einderlicht” hinted with bits of death doom, but the overall feeling is more melancholic than dark and crus...

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Review from Hard Sounds

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 26, 2020, In : Italian 
From: Hard Sounds
Published: October 6, 2020

Quarto full-length per la compagine belga Marche Funèbre che nei suoi dieci anni di attività circa ha saputo ritagliarsi un posticino all'interno del vasto e variegato panorama doom death europeo nel quale militano imponenti nomi di spicco del genere. Ascoltando le sei tracce corpose in termini di minutaggio che compongono questo 'Einderlicht' risultano massicce le influenze che il quintetto trae da band seminali come i My Dying Bride ...

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Review from Wonderbox Metal

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 5, 2020, In : English 
From: Wonderbox Metal
Published: October 5, 2020 

This is the fourth album from Belgian death/doom metallers Marche Funèbre.

Having been a fan of Eye of Solitude for some time, their split with Marche Funèbre impressed, and made me want to check out the latter band when the opportunity arose. That time is now, and Einderlicht has arrived to carve a space in my collection all of its own.

When the press blurb states that this music is for fans of “My Dying Bride, Saturnus, Swallow ...

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Review from Kaos Guards

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 5, 2020, In : French 
From: Kaos Guards
Published: October 5, 2020 

Depuis la fin de la décennie 2000, ce quintette originaire d’Anvers se plaît à pratiquer un Doom Death Metal, certes ancré dans la tradition, mais susceptible d’adopter une posture plus ouverte et évolutive. C’est ainsi qu’en 2017, le troisième album du groupe, « Into The Arms of Darkness », combinait efficacement les fondamentaux du Doom et du Death, avec de surcroît des saveurs Black Metal, notamment dans les vocaux.


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Review from Metal Addicts

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 5, 2020, In : English 
From: Metal Addicts
Published: October 4, 2020

You think that the life of a reviewer is easy, isn’t it? It’s only listen to good music, get free MP3 downloads of top notch Metal releases, yeah? Take a couple of minutes to write anything that comes to mind?

Nah, you’re flat wrong my child of the night.

When I saw the e-mail about Marche Funèbre “Einderlicht” I thought I knew the band and in my mind I was already writing the story of what I new about the band and its themati...

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Review from Metallized

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 5, 2020, In : Italian 
From: Metallized
Published: October 3, 2020

Il quarto album della formazione belga Marche Funèbre arriva come una gelida fiamma maligna ad oscurare la stagione autunnale in arrivo, periodo dell’anno che si confà perfettamente alle atmosfere plumbee e cupe di Einderlicht, che fin dalle prime battute si classifica senza troppi dubbi come il disco più ambizioso e interessante della band.
I belgi propongono fin dal 2009 uno stile ibrido che ha le sue radici nel black e nel death me...

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Review from Lords of Metal

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 5, 2020, In : Dutch 
From: Lords of Metal
Published: October 1, 2020

Wanneer de herfst zijn intrede doet en de dagen korter worden, brengt onze Belgische doom/death metaltrots Marche Funèbre zijn vierde studioalbum ‘Einderlicht’ uit. Zes songs geschreven tussen 2016 en 2019 zullen de van oudsher melancholieke gevoelens die met dit seizoen gepaard gaan, nog versterken.

Na het bijzonder sterke ‘In The Arms Of Darkness’ nam de band geen risico’s en toog wederom naar de Klangschmiede Studio E. om...

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Review from Sonic Perspectives

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, October 5, 2020, In : English 
From: Sonic Perspectives
Published: October 1, 2020

A funeral dirge for the dying light.

The true test of any artist is patience, specifically the ability to take one’s time in honing an idea until it fully matures. Though this standard could apply to any sub-genre of music, it is particularly applicable to the several subsets within the doom metal realm, where the moving parts within a song tend to be fewer and more heavily exposed. Wherein the hybrid style of death/doom is conce...

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Review from Luminous Dash

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, In : Dutch 
From: Luminous Dash
Published: September 28, 2020 

Twee voorsmaakjes hadden de heren van Marche Funèbre al gelost, in de vorm van één lyric video voor het nummer When All Is Said en een knappe clip voor het machtige The Maelstrom Mute. Die laatste werd geschoten in hun thuisstad Mechelen voor een lokaal online festival.

Deze twee nummers, respectievelijk het langste en kortste van de plaat, lijken op het eerste gehoor los van elkaar te staan. Maar schijn bedriegt. Net als de ande...

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Review from Amped-Up

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, In : Dutch 
From: Amped-up
Published: September 25, 2020 

De herfst is aangebroken en we duiken de donkere periode van het jaar in. Ideaal om een album van de Mechelse doommetalband Marche Funèbre voor te stellen. Einderlicht is al het vierde album sinds het ontstaan van de band in 2008. En Einderlicht mag dan wel dood en zelfmoord als rode draad doorheen het album hebben, toch klinken niet alle tracks zwartgallig. Bij sommige nummers zit er zelf een refrein in die zowaar in je hoofd blijft h...

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Review from Musipedia of Metal

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, In : English 
From: Musipedia of Metal
Published: September 25, 2020 

Things must be pretty grim in Belgium. The small nation known primarily for it's chocolate and a certain mustachioed detective has spent the last few years pumping out quality Doom Metal (Amenra, Thurisaz as well as newcomers Voidian) as if it's very waffles depended on it. So it'll be interesting to see how Einderlicht the 4th album from Marche Funebre stacks up against the crowd. Straight off the bat the band are following t...

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Review from La Grosse Radio

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, In : French 
From: La Grosse Radio
Published: September 23, 2020

Avec Einderlicht, son quatrième effort, la formation belge Marche Funèbre ne cache nullement son jeu : il faut bel et bien s'attendre à un épais nuage de désespoir, de chagrin et d'amertume dans les six longs titres de cet opus éclectique aux tonalités death-doom metal et à la thématique bien sombre... à déconseiller peut-être aux âmes les plus fragiles, mais idéal pour satisfaire, par sa diversité et sa puissance, ...

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Review from Grizzly Butts

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, In : English 
From: Grizzly Butts
Published: September 21, 2020

Belgium-based melodic death/doom metal quintet Marche Funèbre have generally stuck to their guns throughout their (so far) twelve year run though it was ‘In the Arms of Darkness’ (2017) that found them meeting the higher standard of the niche without having to experiment too far outside the box. At the time it’d been vocalist Arne Vandenhoeck‘s time to really shine in terms of presenting both harsh and melodic vocals with s...

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Review from Metal Temple

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, In : English 
From: Metal Temple
Published: September 21, 2020

MARCHE FUNEBRE is a doom metal band from Belgium, formed in 2008.  “Einderlicht,” is their fourth full length album; they have also released two splits and two EPs.  I discovered this band just weeks before getting the “Einderlicht” promo and have been listening to both this album and the previous album “Into The Arms of Darkness,” nonstop.  What impresses me the most is how insanely well crafted their songs are, includin...

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Review from The Void Journal

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, In : Bulgarian 
From: The Void Journal
Published: September 21, 2020

Четвъртият дългосвирещ албум на белгийския квинтет Marche Funèbre, озаглавен “Einderlich” , предстои да бъде издаден на 25-ти септември тази година чрез BadMoodMan Music / Hypnotic Dirge Records.

“Einderlich” , в превод “Светлината в края”, е албум, който според мен би би...

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Review from Metal Italia

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, In : Italian 
From: Metal Italia
Published: September 20, 2020

È ‘solo’ un gran bel disco di death-doom classico – molto doom, parecchio melodico – quello offerto oggi con cuore colmo di passione per l’heavy metal, da parte dei Marche Funèbre. Un gruppo, quello belga, rappresentante di un underground vero e genuino, di sostanza e poche parole, che parla uno sfaccettato linguaggio di pronta assimilazione per gli appassionati di doom estremo e dal carattere pervicacemente, ma non ottus...

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Review from ZWareMetalen

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, In : Dutch 
From: ZWareMetalen
Published: September 20, 2020

Last van levenslust? Die verdrijf je zo met het vierde album van Marche Funèbre. Einderlicht is gemakkelijk het zwaarmoedigste dat de Mechelse doomformatie de mensheid heeft aangedaan. Alleen al het centrale thema is genoeg om je goed humeur in de schoenen te voelen zakken: zelfmoord. Want wat je zelf doet, doe je meestal beter.

Beter dan met een ijl en fragiel pingelspel, dat langzaam aanzwelt met akoestische ritmegitaar, rustige za...

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Review from Makeshift Altars

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, In : English 
From: Makeshift Altars
Published: September 19, 2020

Belgian romantics, Marche Funèbre, conjure an operatic image of longing, grief, and loss of hope in the modern age

    Isn't it so nice when a band's name accurately reflects the sound of their music? For all those who have trouble using Google translate (or can't make sense of English cognates in foreign languages), Marche Funèbre is French for "funeral march" or "funeral parade". As one might expect, a band name with such somb...

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Review from Hell Is Open

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, In : German 
From: Hell Is Open
Published: September 18, 2020

Der Herbst steht zumindest kalendarisch schon vor der Tür, man kann sich also wieder doomigeren Klängen widmen. Dazu passt das neue Album der belgischen Marche Funebre bestens.

"Einderlicht" hat eine schwere 90er Schlagseite, aber von der guten Seite aus. Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride, diverse skandinavische Vertreter, alles weit vor den 2000ern......Wer damit was anfangen kann der wird sich hier gut aufgehoben fühlen, Marche Funeb...

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 Released: September 25, 2020
Genre: Death-Doom Metal