Review from The Pit of the Damned Webzine
Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, September 23, 2013 Under: Album Reviews
From: The Pit of the Damned Webzine
Published: September 22, 2013
*Google translation of Italian review
Hypnotic Dirge Records is a river that continues his work of recruitment of semi- unknown band of talent to make them known to a wider audience. This is the case of the Teutonic Galaktik Cancer Squad, one man band who genuinely did not know it was already come to their fourth release and I just found out from Canadian label . The German act is devoted to a feral black colors from the vague progressive , that from the first track , showcases the potential of fire scary . " Ethanol Nebula " is a song marked by long stormy outbursts of leaking metal on which to weigh the deadly vocals factotum Argwohn . The songs are all very long and nine minutes of " When the Void Whispers My Name" are divided into intro entrusted to a spooky and hypnotic guitar, which then explodes in a menacing dark ride . The wild impetuosity of the black represents the true hallmark of the German combo , although of course the whole thing is decked out by scores more rational , flashes and melodic acoustic break that manage to break what might be the real limit of the album, the ' excessive speed . Splendido in this regard the ending of the second track , a nocturnal acoustic interlude that re-establishes the stillness that had been swept away by the fury initial bestial . The buzzing guitars style Burzum , open " In Lichterlosen Weiten " long suite of twelve minutes, in which next to the incessant anger , sometimes alienating , the teutonic mastermind , there are also moments of relaxation that allow me to take a breath , relax on the more mellow notes of the band and be able to appreciate the best sounds and shades, otherwise routed arrogance instrumental album. And so I can not help but let me carry the mid- time of the third track which will remind you of the early Katatonia and other entities devoted to sound more doom oriented ; definitely my favorite song , perhaps the most mature and varied, in which case after the quiet, to break again the storm. The title track seems more experimental in its rhythms and sounds: more space is left at the instrumental component and a less black and more death , just as the screaming , which is more obscure. Good experiment . " Hypnose " is another quarter of an hour of pure primordial violence (too bad for the use of the drum machine ) , moreover entirely instrumental , which is interrupted only by an 8 minute break sound. In short, a bit 'hard to digest. Put on the wall , I have no way to fend off the blows inflicted by Galaktik Cancer Squad. Technical knockout .
Rating: 70/100
Reviewed by: Francesco Scarci
In : Album Reviews
Tags: galaktik cancer squad progressive expensive space black death metal melodic grauzeit ghost light celestia