From: The Black Tome; Issue #1
Published: August 2013
Before Hypnotic Dirge requested that I review this, I had never heard of the Galaktik Cancer Squad, which upon listening a few times, was quite the surprise. GCS hails from Hamburg, Germany, and plays a very progressive style of black metal. With Ghost Light being the fourth full-length tucked under the belt, two splits, a compilation and an EP, it's pretty hard to understand why this one-man onslaught is relatively unknown to the masses.
The first time I gave Ghost Light a listen, I was at work, and had a hard time focusing on what I was the aural-rape that was taking place. I tried giving the album a listen a few times later on, and still couldn't really grasp it. Two weeks later, I finally sat down and consentually opened my ears up to the aural-intercourse that would take place. The album is a step away from all of the cliche hip-clade black metal that we have seen entirely too much of the past few years. Though Ghost Light is by no means "traditional black metal", drawing influences from all over the place, it WILL leave you sulking in regret, tail tucked, scurrying away for the mere fact that you did not know the project before. Argwohn, the powerhouse behind GCS is very well-rounded in every instrument, and this helps to keep the album constantly interesting. Mainlys, the biggest standout for me is the lead guitars. I don't exactly want to say it's jam packed with soaring leads, but moreso refer to them as heart wrenching, passionate leads. Something about the execution and tone is like getting hit across the head with a bat.
The album, at times takes a chaotic turn at points, but jumps right back into the beautifully structured form it is memorable for. Song lengths run on the lengthier side, with the album clocking in at just over fifty minutes, and only being five tracks. I guess one thing I have learned is that Hypnotic Dirge never signs a disappointment. You can order the album from HDR now, and I would HIGHLY suggest doing so.