Galaktik Cancer Squad signs with Hypnotic Dirge Records
Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, June 9, 2012 Under: Press Releases
Galaktic Cancer Squad signs with Hypnotic Dirge Records

The ambitious one-man project from Germany, 'Galaktik Cancer Squad' has signed a deal with Hypnotic Dirge Records. Galaktik Cancer Squad is known for its unconventional approach in mixing the ferocity of extreme black metal with an avant-garde experimental quality of technical songwriting and a space-like atmosphere. The music of Galaktik Cancer Squad also stands apart for its extremely sparse use of vocals, making the tracks almost completely instrumental compositions.
The name "Galaktik Cancer Squad" was intended to be a song for Uranus Explodes, a side-project formed in 2004, but the material was too heavy for a post-rock based experimental project, so it became anindependent space black metal project. The first full-length "Eroberer" was written in a few days after forming in late august of 2011. It changed directly into the main project and more songs came up with several splits and an EP.

In December 2011 the songwriting for the second full-length "Strange Spheres of Hyperborea" started and the recordings were finished in March 2012. This album reached a new level of modern metal music andits instrumental works with over 20 minutes playtime are just not of this world. When words can't describe the feelings about time and space, the music takes over and guides you through unknown spheres of creativity and explosive atmospheres.
Hypnotic Dirge Records will release the 'Strange Spheres of Hyperborea' in traditional CD format in late 2012. In the meantime however (and breaking with the convention of the label) the album is currently available for streaming and "name your price" download (virtually free) in its entirety from the Galaktik Cancer Squad bandcamp page. In addition to this, GCS' debut album 'Eroberer' and compilation album of re-recorded tracks forming the album 'The Gathering' are both available for free download on Hypnotic Dirge Records' website.

'Ein wilder tanz im Licht der Sterne' - Soundcloud:
'Ein wilder tanz im Licht der Sterne' - Bandcamp:
'Ein wilder tanz im Licht der Sterne' - Youtube:
'Ein wilder tanz im Licht der Sterne' - Mediafire (mp3 download):
'Strange Spheres of Hyperborea' Full Album Stream:
'The Gathering' Full Album Free Download:
'Eroberer' Full Album Free Download:
'Galaktik Cancer Squad' - bandcamp:
'Galaktik Cancer Squad' - Facebook:
'Galaktik Cancer Squad - HDR profile:
Soundcloud Embed Code:
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>
In : Press Releases
Tags: ""experimental black metal"" galaktic cancer squad strange spheres of hyperborea "galaktic cancer squad signs with hypnotic dirge""