Epitimia Interview with Rock Vault Webzine [March 23, 2014]
Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Under: Interviews
Epitimia Interview with Rock Vault Webzine
Published: March 23, 2014
Original Link [Turkish]
Hi from Rock Vault Zine to Saint Petersburg! What’s happening in the Russia music scene these days?
Hi there! Musical scene in Russia is intensively developing. There are many interesting bands in various genres and their amount is rising.
For our readers not familiar with Epitimia, can you give us a brief history of the band?
In 2008 A. And K. decided to close the melodic black metal project “Autarchy”. There was no motivation for us to do such kind of music, so we wanted to create something new. The first song we recorded was “Миг последней весны” and it gave birth for our new project with new conception and music. Soon the band got its name – “Epitimia” and the first demo tape “О, ты, чье имя мрет на трепетных устах (Demo MMVIII)” was out on Self-Mutilation services.
Six years have passed and the music of Epitimia changed from ambient/depressive black metal to post-black metal filled with experiments. Four full-lengths were recorded, including the double-album “(Un)reality”, two split albums were made. Now Epitimia consists of four members, M. joined the band as drummer and backing vocalist and I., who performs various guitar parts.
"(Un)reality" came on the February 15th. How do you feel about the album and what are your expectations for this album?
(Un)reality is a result of our two years of work, so it is quite ambitious album. It is also very complex and it is definitely a step forward in band’s evolution. We like the album’s sound and we like that it contains various musical influences. Glad that many people notice these little experiments. We hope that we will reach wider audience with this work.
How does "(Un)reality" differ from the previous one and how has your music changed?
First of all, this is the longest album we’ve ever made; it has 18 tracks and about 2 hours of total playing time, so it is a big challenge for a listener. It has more complex conception and more interesting storyline than our previous albums. Also the sound became better as we are developing our playing technique and sound engineering skills. But everything goes as it used to be – we always are changing, so we think that it is one of the distinguishing features of Epitimia.
reality Photo 7.jpg)
Where did you record the new album and how did the recording process go?
All the work on the album was done at home. Usually we met together and jammed till some good riffs appeared. Some guitar parts were made by A. by himself and then arranged using drum machine and some synths. “(Un)reality” is the first album where we used saxophone as additional instrument. It was recorded by D’Arcy Molan with a great help of Terry Vainoras from death-doom band “Subterranean Disposition”. Then, when all the music was done, we recorded the vocals.
What sort of themes are you dealing with on the album and what topics do the lyrics cover?
The main theme we deal on the album is alienation and isolation of the individual from the society. So, on the new album we continued the main idea of our last album “Faces of insanity”. But this isolation is also a self-contemplation and the search for the absolute truth by the lyrical hero.
What's happening with the album's cover artwork and how does it connect to the music?
The front cover art of “(Un)reality” describes the moment when the hero finds this absolute truth in the end of the story. It depicts his spiritual insight.
Are you satisfied with Hypnotic Dirge Records?
We totally satisfied with Hypnotic Dirge Records and really appreciate what they done to bring our music closer to large auditory audience.
What's coming out in ambient black metal that you are looking forward to in the near future?
Every year we became farther from ambient black metal scene and more into post-black metal scene. So, we are looking forward mostly for some atmospheric and post black metal albums. The last ambient black metal album that impressed us was “Wind” from Russian band Melankoli. The album in this style we are waiting for I think is only “Echoes From η Carinae” by Alrakis.
What’s your upcoming schedule looking like?
Now we are working at the compilation with our old songs re-recorded and re-arranged in more “blackgazish” way. We also have some plans for our side project “Depicting Abysm”.
What are your picks for best releases of 2013?
Talking about the best albums of a year we can definitely choose
Wedrujacy Wiatr - Tam, gdzie miesiac oplakuje swit,
Gris - A l'ame enflammee, l'ame constellee...,
Deafheaven – Sunbather,
The Ocean – Pelagial,
Heiden - A kdybys uz nebyla, vymyslim si te,
Leucosis – Leucosis,
Darktrance – Pessimum,
Errata - L'autre hemisphere,
Csejthe – Réminiscence,
Redwood Hill – Descender,
Paysage d'Hiver - Das Tor,
Rorcal – Vilagvege,
Thaw – Thaw,
Watain - The Wild Hunt
Who are your top 5 Russian metal bands of all time?
Very hard question) There are some albums we are raised on, for example Butterfly temple’s album “Сны северного моря”. And it is a perfect example of Russian metal music. There are also many bands that we really like: Откровения дождя, Abstract Spirit, Оргия Праведников, Hieronymus Bosch, so may be that they are in top-5 for now.
What do you know about my country Turkey (Istanbul)? Would you play in here?
Well, we know some basic facts about Turkey from geography lessons. Also, you have killer exploitation movies and some great directors with their own masterpieces. For example “Yol” from Yilmaz Güney. Some Turkish bands are also known in Russia: splendid post-rock band “Kafabindunya”, interesting depressive black metal project “Cragataska”, death metal band “Thrown to the Sun” and death doom band – “Acedia”.
What can you say about Rock Vault Zine?
Well, we tried your official page, but we did not understand much, due to the Turkish language. But your mission– introducing musical bands and projects to the Turkish auditory - is very important.
Anything else you'd like to mention or promote? Thanks for your answers.
Thank you for your interest and your questions! Keep supporting music and people who are involved in making it!
In : Interviews
Tags: epitimia (un)reality black metal post black metal experimental post-rock blackgaze jazz