Showing Tag: " clouds" (Show all posts)

Review from Aristocrazia Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, August 15, 2018, In : Italian 
From: Aristocrazia Webzine
Published: August 6, 2018

È la prima volta che ci troviamo a che fare direttamente sia con gli Eye Of Solitude che con i Marche Funèbre, eppure entrambi i progetti sono a loro modo delle vecchie conoscenze.

Partendo dai secondi, nella formazione belga milita da ormai qualche anno Boris "Jabawock" Iolis, qui al basso, ma polistrumentista e compositore nel suo progetto personale, i Soul Dissolution. Ancora, il cantante Arne Vandenhoeck ha servito come rimp...

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Review from Amped Up

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, May 24, 2018, In : Dutch 
From: Amped Up
Published: May 23, 2018

Wat gebeurt er als twee reuzen de handen in elkaar slaan? Dan siddert en beeft al wat leeft, scheurt de aarde open, wordt alles wat ademt verzwolgen en blijft er enkel diepe, diepe duisternis achter. Voorwaar, voorwaar, een betere omschrijving van het split album van de death/doom grootheden Eye of Solitude en Marche Funèbre is moeilijk denkbaar.

Beide bands tekenen voor één nummer, maar wát een nummers! Het is duidelijk dat beide bands hie...

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Review from Noizz Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, May 24, 2018, In : Spanish 
From: Noizz Webzine
Published: May 17, 2018

El sello canadiense Hypnotic Dirge Records nos presenta el Split entre dos colosos del Doom, los ingleses EYE OF SOLITUDE y los belgas MARCHE FUNÈBRE, quienes han puesto un tema cada uno para dar forma a un álbum épico a base de sonidos oscuros que nos arrastran por el abismo durante algo más de media hora. Una verdadera delicia para los oídos de quienes apreciamos este tipo de música de tiempos lentos, majestuosidad, sombras y brut...

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Review from Ave Noctum

Posted by Nick Skog on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, In : English 
From: Ave Noctum
Published: May 16, 2018

Two well respected bands in extreme doom circles go at it together for this split release, both with one track each. Due to the genre as you would expect that does not mean a shortage of material in any respect as the numbers weigh in with a combined total of 30 minutes between them.

Eye Of Solitude hail from our very own stomping ground of London town and contain musicians from a vast array of other projects in their ranks such as Bereft Of ...

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Review from Zwaremetalen

Posted by Nick Skog on Friday, May 11, 2018, In : Dutch 
From: Zware metalen
Published: May 8, 2018 

Zowel het Belgische Marche Funèbre  als het internationale Eye of Solitude zijn in de doomwereld aan een blijvende opmars bezig. Dat vertaalt zich niet alleen in het stijgende aantal fans, ook in het aantal releases. Het vorig jaar uitgebrachte album Into The Arms Of Darkness van Marche Funèbre verscheen op BadMoodMan Music en wordt nu ook door Hypnotic Dirge heruitgebracht. Later dit jaar is er ook de nieuwe Eye Of Solitude, genaamd Sl...

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Review from Wings of Death

Posted by Nick Skog on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, In : Dutch 
From: Wings of Death
Published: March 19, 2018 

Keurig aansluitend bij mijn bespreking van Faal een paar dagen geleden, is het maar een relatief kleine stap naar de hier te bespreken split-EP. Dat zit zo: Faal bracht in 2015 een split uit in samenwerking met Eye Of Solitude. De Britten gingen vorige maand opnieuw een dergelijke samenwerking aan met een andere persoonlijke doomfavoriet afkomstig van de lage landen: Marche Funèbre. In beide gevallen is de split-release een combinati...

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Review from Wonderbox Metal

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, March 8, 2018, In : English 
From: Wonderbox Metal
Published: March 6, 2018 

Eye of Solitude are from the UK and Marche Funèbre are from Belgium. They have teamed up to offer this doom-filled split release.

I’m a big fan of Eye of Solitude’s work, although it seems that somehow I seem to have missed out on the band’s last album. Regardless, Sui Caedre, Canto III, Dear Insanity, and their split with Faal were all wonderful examples of the band’s evocative funeral doom. On this split the band contribute ...

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Review from

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, March 8, 2018, In : English 
Published: March 3, 2018 

Okay - splits. Never my favourite format: they're a pain to tag correctly and even more of a pain to file in a physical collection. But they are a valid way of combining costs, exposure, labelmates or whatever, so we're kinda stuck with them. In this case, it's a release in support of the joint US tour between UK-based Funeral Doomsters Eye Of Solitude and Belgian Death/Doom band Marche Funèbre, so at least there's an obvious rational...

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Review from Metal Injection (Funeral Doom Fridays)

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, March 3, 2018, In : English 
From: Metal Injection (Funeral Doom Fridays)
Published: March 2, 2018

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those who are new to this column; each week features a new or classic album from the realm of extreme doom. Much of funeral/death doom's might comes from an oppressive emotional weight and the use of death or black metal motifs (played at a trudging pace, of course.) Pioneers like Mournfu...

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Review from Offering Webzine

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, March 1, 2018, In : English 
From: Offering Webzine
Published: February 23, 2018

The new split album featuring two lengthy tracks by England’s Eye of Solitude and Belgium’s Marche Funèbre perfectly represents two facets of sorrow and two sides of underground extreme doom metal.

On “Collapse” Eye Of Solitude dwells in an impossibly obscure sonic realm starting with surreal calm atmospheric soundscapes evoking a pale sense of serenity but also intense desolation. When heavy guitar riffs take the lead wit...

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Review from Angry Metal Guy

Posted by Nick Skog on Thursday, March 1, 2018, In : English 
From: Angry Metal Guy
Published: February 26, 2018

Chocolate and peanut butter. Cheese and crackers. One-person black metal and January. Some things just naturally pair up beautifully together1. What normally doesn’t pair up too well? Funeral doom and brevity. So imagine my shock when I got assigned a two-song, 30-minute EP featuring two of the scene’s leading exports, UK’s Eye of Solitude and Belgium’s Marche Funèbre, and finding out that the EP’s just a hair over a lun...

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Review from Brutalitopia

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, February 10, 2018, In : English 
From: Brutalitopia
Published: February 8, 2018 

I used to not be too big on splits.  I think that 's because I thought I wasn't getting enough music; usually a track or two from each band adds up to around 20 minutes, and I tend to want more, because I am a greedy American.  Lately though, I've been coming around, helped by some longer splits; there was the fantastic CHRCH/Fister split from last year, in addition to this year's Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard/Slomatics release Totems. ...

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Review from Bringer of Death 'zine

Posted by Nick Skog on Saturday, February 10, 2018, In : English 
From: Bringer of Death 'zine
Published: January 31, 2018

This  is  a  review  of  a  split  album  between  United  Kingdom's  Eye  Of  Solitude  and  Belgium's  Marche Funebre  which  will  be  released  in  March  as  a joint  effort  between  Hypnotic  Dirge  and  Cimmerian  Shade  Recordings  and  we  will  start  off  the  review with  Eye  Of  Solitude  a  band  that  plays  funeral  doom  metal.

Their  side  of  the  split  starts  out  with  tragic  sounding  clean  playing ...

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 Released: February 22, 2018
500 Copies
Genre: Funeral Death-Doom Metal