Review from Invisible Oranges

May 9, 2024
From: Invisible Oranges
Published: May 9, 2024

Dødsferd are extremely pissed off on their 12th studio album. Not that that’s new, but consistency is always appreciated. Wrath is misanthropic, single-minded black metal that’s hard to make intriguing after a few go-arounds, yet Dødsferd’s main member Wrath still hates people just as much now as he did in 2001. Resultingly, Wrath is that rare breed of myopic yet captivating black metal.

Reviewed by: Colin Dempsey

Review from Aristocrazia Webzine

May 8, 2024
From: Aristocrazia Webzine
Published: May 8, 2024

Attivo da circa vent’anni nella scena greca, il progetto black metal Dødsferd si è sempre dimostrato piuttosto prolifico anche grazie all’iniziativa del suo membro principale, il cantante-chitarrista Wrath. E proprio Wrath è il titolo del dodicesimo album della sua creatura, in uscita a maggio.

Dødsferd suona quel black metal senza tempo e impossibile da dimenticare, quello relativo alla cosiddetta second wave, infarcito di r...

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Review from Musipedia of Metal

May 8, 2024
From: Musipedia of Metal
Published: May 8, 2024

Named after Dødsferd's founder, the 12th record from Greek black metal institution sees them heading back to their roots with abrasive, glacial, furious black metal. Never attempting to be pigeonholed, the band have released atmospheric albums, acoustic albums but with raw, visceral black metal that Wrath has made their mark on the revered Hellenic metal scene.

Wrath then paves the way for the next part of their existence, inspired by...

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Review from Metal Addicts

May 8, 2024
From: Metal Addicts
Published: May 8, 2024

Ah, the devilish beauty of pure evil in the form of Metal music. The wonders of the raw rage delivered by a multifaceted band as Dødsferd, a band whose career is so initiated in the black arts. A band we had the honor and pleasure to check out how versatile it can be with experimental albums as “Asphyxiating Late Night Sessions” or “Suicide and the Rest of Your Kind Will Follow II.” Or as one of the most important milestones of th...

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Review from Metal Invader

May 6, 2024
From: Metal Invader
Published: May 6, 2024

Dødsferd are an Underground force, a super active band who without getting the publicity they deserve (probably they don’t even care about it) generously offer top quality music and countless releases. Active since 2003, they have managed in 21 years to release 12 full length albums (!!!) with the last one entitled “Wrath”.

What makes ‘Wrath’ better than the band’s previous efforts? Actually nothing, because quite simply the ba...

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Review from Black Metal Spirit

May 6, 2024
From: Black Metal Spirit
Published: May 5, 2024

Duodécima entrega para los griegos, un álbum con un carácter digamos que reivindicativo en cuanto a identidad como mínimo, por algo lleva el nombre del fundador de la banda. A lo largo de estos más de veinte años de carrera la banda se las ha arreglado para ofrecer diversas versiones y visiones de interpretación del black metal, sin embargo este nuevo álbum hunde sus raíces en un estilo mucho más clásico en todos lo sentido...

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Review from No Clean Singing

May 6, 2024
From: No Clean Singing
Published: May 5, 2024

We’ll begin with the first two songs you can now hear from Wrath, the forthcoming 12th album by Dødsferd. The album’s title shares the name of the band’s founder and also describes the emotional energy that fuels much of the music.

“Restoration of Justice” opens the album in a blaze — layered guitars deliriously whirling, the bass thundering, the vocals scalding, and the drums delivering a furious barrage. It’s like being ...

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Review from Mopa Music Blogspot

May 6, 2024
From: Mopa Music Blogspot
Published: May 3, 2024

Με μεγάλη μας χαρά σήμερα στο Museum Of Past Affections-Music Webzine , θα μιλήσουμε και θα σας μεταφέρουμε την γνώμη μας για τον επερχόμενο 12ο δίσκο των Black Metallers Dødsferd.

Ο ιθύνων νους πίσω από την μπάντα , Νικόλαος Σπανάκης κατά κόσμον γνωστός ως Wrath μας παραχώρ...

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Review from Broken Tomb Magazine

May 6, 2024
From: Broken Tomb Magazine
Published: May 2, 2024

La formación que ha grabado “Wrath” está conformada por Wrath (voz, guitarra), Neptunus (bajo) y N.D. (batería).

Dødsferd es una banda que a lo largo de sus veinte años de carrera siempre se ha movido a través del Black Metal, pero siempre con variaciones, pasando por el Black Metal atmosférico hasta el Black Metal más crudo y primitivo, por lo que un nuevo álbum de esta banda siempre es intrigante. Veamos a continuació...

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Review from Metal Talk

May 6, 2024
From: Metal Talk
Published: May 2, 2024

Named after the band’s founder, thematically, Wrath “carries in its wake a vigorous indictment of the social and economic consequences of capitalism, political corruption, ecocide, and the largest argument against our civility, warfare.” 

It’s also a crushingly good chunk of Black Metal.

For this release, Wrath is joined by N.D. of Greek Black Metal band Sørgelig as guest drummer, who also played on Suicide and the Rest of Your Kind Wi...

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Released: May 10, 2024
Genre: Black Metal


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