Browsing Archive: September, 2024

Review from Brutally Delicious

Posted by Hypnotic Dirge Records on Thursday, September 12, 2024, In : English 
From: Brutally Delicious
Published: September 3, 2024

According to The Metal Archives, Dødsferd has been in existence since 2001. I’m well versed in black metal, but I’m embarrassed to admit that even being a half Greek, currently living in Athens, Greece, I have never heard of this band until their most recent release “Wrath,” was sent my way.  Without doing any prior research on Dødsferd, I dove right in and immediately thought they have a classic, Scandinavian black me...

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Review from Depart

Posted by Hypnotic Dirge Records on Thursday, September 12, 2024, In : Greek 
From: Depart
Published: August 22, 2024

Είχα πολύ καιρό να ακούσω black metal που να με κερδίσει από την πρώτη στιγμή. Είναι ωραία τα ατμοσφαιρικά intros, αλλά για να πω τη μαύρη (you see what I did there?) αλήθεια, με έχουν κουράσει. Θέλω να γίνουν πιο to the point. Και αν κάποιο κομμάτι τραβήξει σε διάρκεια, να ...

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Review from V-M Underground

Posted by Hypnotic Dirge Records on Thursday, September 12, 2024,
From: V-M Underground
Published: August 19, 2024

In the almost quarter of a century of existence the Greek Black Metal band Dødsferd has spawned nothing short of an impressive back catalogue, with this newest effort ‘Wrath’, being the twelfth full-length instalment. Like with everything that lasts a long time, Dødsferd too has went through the process of natural progression and musical development. The result of almost 25 years of tweaking, refining and readjusting is come to...

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Review from Metal Temple

Posted by Hypnotic Dirge Records on Thursday, September 12, 2024, In : English 
From: Metal Temple
Published: July 22, 2024

DØDSFERD is synonymous with Wrath, the founder, vocalist, and guitarist for said band. On May 10, 2024, the band released their twelfth studio full-length album, “Wrath,” onHypnotic Dirge Records in collaboration with Fuck Your Creation Records. While the verdict is still out as to whether this technically qualifies as an eponymous album (an album named after the band that issued it), there is no question as to the reputation that D...

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Review from Metal Nightfall

Posted by Hypnotic Dirge Records on Thursday, September 12, 2024, In : French 
From: Metal Nightfall
Published: June 21, 2024

Lorsque nous nous habituons à l’excellence, nous rehaussons inéluctablement nos exigences et rabaissons notre seuil de tolérance, car l’excellence fait vibrer. Elle brille de sa superbe, elle embellit, elle invente de nouvelles routes, elle produit et engendre des auras. Dans cette course aux étoiles, peu d’êtres ou de choses les tutoient. L’existence fait aussi varier les exigences, les durcit ou les désinvestit c’est ...

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Review from Black Metal Ist Krieg

Posted by Hypnotic Dirge Records on Thursday, September 12, 2024, In : Italian 
From: Black Metal Ist Krieg
Published: June 30, 2024

I Dødsferd fanno parte di quella schiera, in verità assai nutrita, di gruppi greci che suonano come se fossero scandinavi, tra cui possiamo annoverare gente come Lunar Spells, emersi abbastanza di recente, o i più stagionati Sad. Pure la band di Wrath, che resta la mente dietro alla creatura Dødsferd, anche se coadiuvato dal fido Neptunus al basso ormai da molti anni, non è certo di primo pelo, anzi è sulla piazza praticame...

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Released: May 10, 2024
Genre: Black Metal


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