Review from

March 17, 2015
Published: March 16, 2015
Operazione recupero per gli americani Atten Ash e il loro esordio discografico uscito originariamente nel 2012. A tornarci su in questo 2015 è -manco a dirlo- l’Hypnotic Dirge Records, l’etichetta si fa trovare ancora una volta reattiva nell’atto di scovare per “ridare alla luce”, si parla di prodotti che probabilmente passerebbero inosservati alla maggioranza, un lavoro di fondo veramente encomiabile. Ma c’è ben poca luce su The Hourglass, la band si esprime tramite un melodic death doom chiaramente ispirato ai vecchi Katatonia (con a traino i Daylight Dies, ma siamo scusati poiché in line-up troveremo proprio Barre Gambling, giusto per dare più senso al tutto e anche una più precisa collocazione) ma non tralascia nemmeno atmosfere care a Opeth ed October Tide o più nel profondo come Paradise Lost e Anathema. Con questi nomi alla mano sarà facile cadere vittime di improvvise quanto colossali sbornie, ma per fortuna queste non saranno accompagnate dai soliti sterili discorsi perché The Hourglass è davvero un signor disco, un disco capace di afferrarti per la gola con l’intento “forzato” di metterti davanti ad un perenne scenario autunnale. Grande ritmo, assenza di filler (pericolo ahimé sempre dietro l’angolo) e quello strano e schiacciante “strato d’impedimento di intendere” sempre lì pronto per assuefare.

Non è una musica propriamente semplice da digerire quella degli Atten Ash (intenti di smaccata ruffianeria prontamente riposti), a loro piace girare diverse volte attorno al proprio obiettivo prima di poter sferrare l’attacco decisivo. E’ facile rendersi conto di come il disco ti lavori accuratamente ai fianchi, ma già li comprendiamo quello strano potere che andrà ad ingrossarsi, lo si percepisce distintamente attraverso la quiete di chi sa come e dove mettere le mani. Tutto questo anima il passaggio della prima City in the Sea, canzone capace di spargere al meglio la sua letale persuasione (forse proprio perché la prima?quanto conta esserlo, o meglio quante volte è ingannevole starsene lì “fermi” alla partenza?). See You..Never mette in sospensione (era l’opener ai tempi della prima uscita, qualche traccia è stata invertita sulla ristampa), ritmo lento e sguardo distante e voilà, eccoti volati altri sei minuti di vita. Trascinati e cullati nelle più “dolci” sofferenze, gli Atten Ash sono bravi nel rassicurare, incanalano la sofferenza per renderla innocua (anche se magari sarà solo apparenza), strati d’aria che danzano impercettibili sopra di noi (come le linee vocali pulite di Not As Others Were o nel vago Amorphis style di Song for the Dead -che si lascia pure andare melodicamente su trainanti solos-), sembrano anche allontanarsi, ma poi li ritroviamo sempre al nostro fianco quasi incapaci di generare una spaccatura definitiva.

Ho sempre avuto la netta sensazione dell’esistenza (non comprovata) di uno “zoccolo duro” attorno a questo specifico stile musicale, chi ci è finito in amore difficilmente lo molla (e lo critica) col e anche a distanza di svariati anni -o ripetuti ascolti- puntuale “ci finisce dentro” quando arriva a percepire determinate sensazioni. E’ proprio qui che staziona la potenza degli Atten Ash e delle loro canzoni. Non si spiegherebbe in altro modo la freschezza che muove il percorso di The Hourglass e di come prima Born e poi il trittico finale (First Day, Waves of Siloam -wow! quando me ne stancherò?- e l’eterea/liquida title track) riescano continuamente a mietere un non comune e positivo assopimento. Ricerca melodica espressa con gusto e attenzione, voce pulita che prende campo e forza fra le diavolerie del growl facendo sempre e solo del bene. Più lo ascolto e più la stima si consolida.

Reviewed by: Duke "Selfish" Fog
Rating: 73/100

Review from

March 12, 2015
Published: March 10, 2015

"The Hourglass"... welch ein passender Titel für ein solches Werk. Das neue Album der Band Atten Ash ist wie die Zeit selbst. Äußerst subjektiv im Gefühl des Hörers als Individuum und unglaublich fließend. "The Hourglass" ist ein schwieriges Stück Musik geworden, schwer zugänglich, schwer zu verstehen und noch schwerer zu beschreiben.

Im Grunde spielen Atten Ash einen Mix aus Melodic Death Metal und tragendem Doom Metal. Solch eine ob...

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Review from Metal Observer

March 9, 2015
From: Metal Observer
Published: March 8, 2015

2014 was an amazing year for death metal and now the doom/death subgenre seems to have hit something of a purple patch. We’ve just had Exgenesis’ amazing debut EP, an excellent EP courtesy of Aetherian, Dantalion slipped in a great album just before the end of 2014 and now Atten Ash step up with their debut album, The Hourglass. Atten Ash were founded by James Greene who is the main creative force behind the music. In 2011, he hooke...

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Review from Black Phoenix Rising

March 6, 2015
From: Black Phoenix Rising
Published: March 5, 2015

The Hourglass, Atten Ash’s debut album was originally recorded back in 2012 and has only recently been released on Hypnotic Dirge Records. A three piece band from North Carolina, their brand of atmospheric death / doom metal should sit them in good company with HDR, and with Barre Gambling of Daylight Dies as one of the three members alongside Archie Hunt and founder James Greene we should certainly be expecting quality from the...

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Review from Extreme Metal Voyager

March 2, 2015
From: Extreme Metal Voyager
Published: February 27, 2015

There´s something very honest and noble about wearing your influences on your sleeve and yet manage to create something that´s your own. To me, that´s smart and quite an achievement in itself. Originally self-released back in 2012, “The Hourglass” by sorrowful U.S. trio Atten Ash now gets its rightfully deserved treatment, which sees Hypnotic Dirge Records releasing it worldwide.

This renewed debut album takes you on a ...

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Review from

February 25, 2015
Published: February 24, 2015

Three-piece NC atmospheric death doom combo Atten Ash bear deep roots in the scene, despite only becoming an entity in 2011; Barre Gambling & Archie Hunt cut their teeth in heavyweight acts Daylight Dies and Legion of the Fallen before joining forces with founder James Greene. This collective muscle memory helped to carry an already fully realized vision from the start, with their formative period dedicated to crafting a formidable co...

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Review from SkullsNBones

February 25, 2015
From: SkullsNBones
Published: February 24, 2015

It’s been a while since I’ve heard a melodic doom/melodeath album that did anything special for me. When done right, the music in this subgenre can provide some of the more enjoyable examples of modern metal. Early Opeth, October Tide, Be’Lakor and Daylight Dies are some prime examples of this and, fortunately, the new release from North Carolina’s Atten Ash, The Hourglass, can be added to this list.

It’s hardly a surprise, t...

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Review from Ave Noctum Webzine

February 25, 2015
From: Ave Noctum Webzine
Published: February 24, 2015

This debut album from North Carolina outfit Atten Ash originally was released independently in 2012. Now it gets some proper attention via Hypnotic Dirge records and well it should considering this band comprises of Barre Gambling of Daylight Dies along with Jason Greene and Archie Hunt (of Legion Of The Fallen). It should therefore come as no surprise that this lot play atmospheric death doom and they have the style firmly gras...

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Review from Absolute Hell

February 25, 2015
From: Absolute Hell 
Published: February 22, 2015
Original Link

The Hourglass is Atten Ash their first full length, supplying us with a 50 minutes long mixture of Death Metal and Doom Metal. Atten Ash play a rather melodic side of Doom, which I must say I strongly approve of. There is some absolutely beautiful guitarwork on this album. The lyrics were a bit simplistic in my opinion, but the quality of the vocals (both clean and raw), along with the impressive instrumentals guiding them, more tha...

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Review from Crown of Viserys Webzine

February 20, 2015
From: Crown of Viserys Webzine
Published: February 19, 2015

Over North Carolina a black cloud called Atten Ash lingers, bearing doom for all who fall under its spell. Doom of the bleakest sort, of a blackening of the eyes and heart; doom of the soul. These guys make seriously heavy, heavy music.

Recorded in 2012 but not seeing official physical release until 2015, The Hourglass is a very melodic death doom album that is like being hit by a bus. The songs contained within are a littl...

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  Released: February 19, 2015
500 Copies
Genre: Melodic Death-Doom Metal