Altars of Grief/Nachtterror Radio Interview - Metal Nation Radio [July 4, 2015]

Posted by Nick Skog on Monday, July 6, 2015 Under: Interviews
Erik Labossiere from Altars of Grief and Nachtterror spoke on Metal Nation Radio on July 4, just a few days before the release of the "Of Ash and Dying Light" record! MNR also premiere Altars of Grief's cover of "Room of Angel" from Akira Yamaoka, the composer of the Silent Hill series and at the Nachtterror track "Fall of the Sabbath" at the end of the show! 

Erik Labossiere interview starts: 21:55
Altars of Grief - In Dying Light: 31:35
Altars of Grief - Room of Angel: 38:43
Nachtterror - The Breath of the World, Ablaze: 55:01
Nachtterror - Fall of the Sabbath: 1:00:27

In : Interviews 

Tags: altars of grief in dying light  altars of grief room of angel  nachtterror the breath of the world ablaze  nachtterror fall of the sabbath